Johanna new beginning

When I first came to my new family, I was quite excited and shy at the same time.

I used to say to my dad, “NOT THE FRANK!” and to my mom I used to say, “MY MAMA NANA.”

For my 5th birthday, I stood in front of the cake and presents and asked if it was all for me.

The time passed quite quickly. At the age of 4 I came to my adoptive parents and from then on the exciting journey began.

We were often in foreign countries like Asia. We did a tour of Malaysia with friends when I was 10 years old.

I don’t remember much about those days so well.

There are many funny and exciting stories that we 3 have experienced, whether alone or with friends.

At such a young age, I have already seen a lot of the world. Where some have not seen anything yet.

During that time I experienced a lot and met new friends.

I learned a lot, saw a lot of the world and made a lot of mistakes. But you learn from mistakes, that’s what mistakes are for.

When I was little, I only experienced beautiful things. I can’t remember anything really bad.

Before I came to my adoptive family, everything was gray for me. I didn’t feel so comfortable in the home. I was the only girl there. That’s probably why I get along so well with boys now and understand them.

I feel comfortable in my current family, even if there is sometimes trouble. This is part of it.

One day, when I grow up, I also want to adopt children. Because I know how it feels to be a homebody.

It’s not nice for anyone. One feels alone. You don’t really have parents. Then you’re with a family and you’re afraid that you’ll only be there for a short time and then you’ll be put back somewhere in the middle of nowhere.

As a small child you can not yet think about such things, but the older the

child becomes, the more it wonders where it really comes from. Then questions and memories come up. Of course, it sounds hard, because the child most likely, loads of the past still has. But I think when you adopt a child, it’s quite a feeling to relieve the child of its burdens.

I think it doesn’t matter if the child is adopted or not. Child is child! More specifically, when you have a child, you have a responsibility, whether it is adopted or

not! You should not be afraid to adopt a child, because in the end you do the same as all other mothers and fathers. One cares about the child

and takes care of it. True, one day the moment comes when the child wonders where he really comes from, and other children don’t have that.

I think you should be proud to be adopted!

Because not everyone is adopted. And when you are adopted, you know that there is someone who wants you. Although one is not even from the person and is actually foreign. At least that’s what I think. That’s it from my side for now.


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Courage and make

Anything is possible when a person believes in you!

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